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Step 02: Checklist Kick-off Session

Evaluation Mananagement Manual: Download (Standard) Working Tools in English

Katharina Kreutz MEAL Team

The kick-off session should take place three months before the actual evaluations starts. The aim of the session is to clarify important questions, such as the evaluation’s purpose, expectations or intended users. Therefore all relevant stakeholder need to participate. This way, they will be able to help make informed decisions during the meeting. Our checklist for the kick-off session as well as the stakeholder engagement plan will guide you through the process.

Downloads Step 02: Checklist Kick-off Session

Step 02: Template Stakeholder Engagement Plan

This template will be useful to document your discussions around the people to involve in your evaluation. 

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Step 02: Checklist Documentation KickOff Session

This checklist is a guidance for the facilitation of the kick-off session.

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Step Overview: Evaluation Management Manual

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