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Kinder stehen in einer Reihe und klatschen in die Hände


Together we are stronger.
Welthungerhilfe is a member of numerous national and international networks, working groups and organisations in order to achieve more in humanitarian aid and development work.

2017 Alliance2015 Logo
Alliance 2015

Alliance2015 is a network of seven secular European relief organisations that aim to overcome hunger and poverty together.

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Bündnis Entwicklung hilft Logo
Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft

After the tsunami crisis in December 2004, five German NGOs formed an alliance called the Development Helps Alliance.

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Arbeitskreis Welternährung Logo
Working Group on Global Food Security

The working group enables specialist discussions and information exchanges.

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EISF – European Interagency Security Forum

The EISF works with questions related to staff and project security, and promotes exchange between NGOs, the UN, donors and researchers.

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Logo: Globale Bildungskampagne
GCE – Global Campaign for Education

The Global Campaign for Education is an international alliance that works to enable all people to claim their right to education.

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CHS Alliance Logo 2017
CHS Alliance – Core Humanitarian Standard

Members of the CHS Alliance are committed to the highest standards of accountability and quality management in emergency assistance.

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Logo von HULO Humanitarian Logistics
HULO = Humanitarian Logistics

HULO is a logistics cooperative of European relief organisations. It connects logistics stakeholders to make humanitarian aid more efficient

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ICVA – International Council of Voluntary Agencies

A network of more than 100 organisations that supports effective cooperation between the different actors in humanitarian assistance.

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Start Network Logo
Start Network

They promotes a rethink in humanitarian assistance: people on the ground should have a greater influence instead of bureaucratic institution

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VACS: The Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils Champions Program

The VACS Champions Program recognizes projects committed to developing climate-adapted nutritious crop varieties

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Venro Logo
VENRO – Association of German Development and Aid NGOs

The aim of VENRO, the umbrella organisation of development and humanitarian aid NGOs in Germany, is to make globalisation fair.

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Wash Netzwerk Logo
WASH Network

703 million people around the world are living without access to safe water and 3.5 billion people have to manage without safe sanitation.

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NGO Voice
VOICE – Voluntary Orgs in Cooperation in Emergencies

VOICE promotes effective humanitarian assistance worldwide, and it is an important dialogue partner for the European Union.

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Global Compact Partnership
United Nations Global Compact

Global Compact is a global UN initiative that aims to persuade people to act in a sustainable and socially responsible way.

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Cotton made in Africa, Logo
Cotton made in Africa

The “Cotton made in Africa” initiative works to improve living and working conditions for cotton farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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Koordinierungsausschuss Humanitaere Hilfe
Humanitarian Aid Coordinating Committee

It is the central forum for discussion and coordination between several organisations related to humanitarian assistance.

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International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC)

It certifies agricultural raw materials that comply with the Sustainability Ordinances for Bioenergy in Germany, the EU and third countries.

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