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Is German Sahel Policy at a Crossroads? read more
British Development Policy: What Changes should the New Government Implement?

Renommierter Außenexperte empfiehlt nach dem Labour-Sieg eine Neuaufstellung der Institutionen – auch mit einer BIZ.

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Kompass 2024: German ODA Does Not Keep Up with Complex and Multiple Crises

Opposing trends: The word is suffering from multiple crises and growing fragility – and Germany reduces its international commitments.

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FAO: Aquaculture overtakes capture fisheries for the first time

Every two years, the FAO analyses the state of the world's acquatic resources. Now it calls for a “Blue Transformation” – not least in order to…

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Melting at the world's "third pole" endangers South Asia
In the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region, record temperatures are causing glaciers to melt. Can flood risks and the water crisis still be stopped?
The 2023 Global Hunger Index: Progress on Hunger has largely stalled
In the face of multiple crises, progress on hunger has largely stalled, and large demographic groups such as youth, especially in low- and middle-income countries, are disproportionally affected.
Decentralized and with triple benefit – the potential of agrivoltaics in sub-Saharan Africa
New projects in Mali and The Gambia aim to combine solar power with agriculture – merging the management of food, energy and water.
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Land Grabbing 2.0

Competition over land is increasing imperceptibly – not least against the background of expanding markets for trade in emission certificates. This could lead to further inequality. There is a growing threat to the existence of small producers.

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An Invisible Crisis: New Dimensions of Land Grabbing

More and more land is being taken away from farmers and communities and they are faced with adversaries of overwhelming power -…

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In the Interest of the Climate? Forest Conservation in Cambodia Poses a Further Threat to Indigineous Peoples

After years of land licencing deals to advance agriculture, experts now fear that REDD+ projects could lead to a new wave of…

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Greenwashing with CO2-Certificates: Gulf States Take Control of Forests in Africa

African states are turning their attention to the voluntary trade in emission certificates and finding willing partners in Arab…

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Where Land Deals Cause Conflict: “Land for Life” Promotes Compromise through Dialog

Wie lokale Gemeinden sich Gehör verschaffen können, wenn fortschrittliches Landrecht mit Intransparenz und Korruption kollidiert.

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