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Foundations and Grantmakers

Eva-Maria Thurnhofer Foundation Partnerships Lead

Foundations and grantmakers support us in our fight for a world without hunger. Many choose to direct it toward specific Welthungerhilfe projects, though some prefer to make unrestricted gifts for general support. Find out below how our partners fund various Welthungerhilfe programmes and strategies.


EARTH University

EARTH University's innovative approach to education prepares young to contribute to the sustainable development of their home communities.

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Seeding the Future Foundation

The Seeding The Future Foundation's core value is that everyone always have equitable access to safe, nutritious, affordable and appealing.

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Tereska Stiftung
Tereska Foundation

The Tereska Foundation helps children in forgotten disaster areas. It launched its first funding measure with Welthungerhilfe.

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Logo der Stiftung Kinder unsere Zukunft.
Foundation Children Our Future

What can we do to lead people to the sunny side? The answer of the foundation "Children- our Future" is: We build schools in Africa.

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Jürgen Höller Foundation

The Jürgen Höller Foundation has set itself the goal of providing children in the Global South with education and thus a future.

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Logo der Fly Help Stiftung
Fly & Help

Fighting hunger and poverty with education: The Fly & Help Foundation supports education projects in developing countries and cooperates with local…

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Christian Liebig Stiftung
Christian Liebig Foundation

The Christian Liebig Foundation supports educational projects for children and the construction of schools in Africa. It is already cooperating with…

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