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Press Releases

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Welthungerhilfe Releases Annual Report for 2023

Planned budget cuts by governing coalition send wrong message, put progress toward ending hunger at risk

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UNHCR Report: Statement by Mathias Mogge

“We cannot rest in our search for sustainable solutions to the many wars and armed conflicts”, warns Mathias Mogge.

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UN Climate Negotiations: More Money Needed to Offset Climate Damage

In view of dramatic increases in extreme weather events, more money is needed for climate damage, Welthungerhilfe demands

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Inaction will have devastating consequences for Syrian people, warn aid agencies

Over 100 national and international NGOs, including Welthungerhilfe, call on the Ministerial Segment of the Brussels 8 Conference to act

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NGOs react to Israeli offensive in Rafah

6 humanitarian organizations, including Welthungerhilfe, sign declaration to the German government

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DRC: Escalation of violence leads to hunger and displacement

Nine organisations are calling for swift action to alleviate the plight of millions of people in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Famine in Gaza: Welthungerhilfe Provides EUR 1 Million

Together with European partners, first aid operations have started

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Syria: Thirteen Years of War and Destruction

People in northwestern Syria desperately need a way forward as the humanitarian situation hits new lows.

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Haiti: Gang Violence, Hunger, and Displacement

Country Director Annalisa Lombardo speaks from beleaguered capital, Port-au-Prince, on escalating violence in Haiti.

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Ukraine: 42 civilians killed every day in two years of war

The Humanitarian NGO Platform in Ukraine is calling for the immediate protection of civilians. WHH is among the 51 NGO signatories.

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Humanitarian Disaster in Gaza: Aid Organizations Demand an Immediate Ceasefire

8 humanitarian organizations sign a declaration to the German federal government

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Ukraine: Surviving in Times of War

2nd anniversary of Russia's attack on Ukraine: The support must continue

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