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03.06.2024 | Press Release

UN Climate Negotiations: More Money Needed to Offset Climate Damage

In view of dramatic increases in extreme weather events, more money is needed for climate damage, Welthungerhilfe demands

Dürre in Kenia: Eine Frau steht auf einem Feld, im Hintergrund sieht man totes Vieh.
Pastoralist Lucy Kele next to the cadavers of her goats in Marsabit, Kenya. She has lost over 30 goats and sheep as well as six camels as a result of extreme drought. © Asenath Niva/Welthungerhilfe

Bonn/Berlin, 2024-06-03. With a disaster alert in southern Germany, a deadly heatwave in India, and a once-in-a-century drought in southern Africa, we can see climate change acting as a major driver of hunger and threatening the livelihoods of millions of people. In 2023 alone, some 400 natural disasters such as storms, floods, heatwaves, and droughts struck throughout the world, affecting over 90 million people and costing nearly 90,000 people their lives. Looking ahead to the climate conference being held from June 3rd to 13th in Bonn as the midpoint between COP28 and COP29, Welthungerhilfe calls for significantly more money to be committed to support people in the Global South.

2024 is a decisive year in terms of managing the implications of the climate crisis. At the Bonn Climate Conference, key decisions will be prepared for COP29, the international climate change conference taking place in November. These include a new climate finance goal for the period starting in 2025, which is when the current agreements expire. In addition, the countries have to present their first biennial transparency reports and indicate which contributions they plan to make as of 2025.  

The effects of climate change are a central cause of hunger, malnutrition, and poverty.

“It is fundamentally a good sign that the industrialized countries were finally successful in fulfilling their commitment of USD 100 billion in 2022. However, with crises now dramatically intensifying, the Bonn Climate Conference must make preparations for a climate finance goal that is several times higher. In light of this context, we are observing the current discussions on the German federal budget with great concern. Chancellor Scholz must keep his promise to make available EUR 6 billion in climate financing in 2025. We need concrete progress in developing and implementing national climate action plans as well as double the funding for adaptation measures for the countries that are especially affected by the implications of climate change. Through the new fund for offsetting climate-related damage and losses, the most vulnerable countries should get simpler access,” states Michael Kühn, a climate expert for Welthungerhilfe who will be taking part in the Bonn Climate Conference.

Welthungerhilfe is one of the largest private aid organizations in Germany and has no political or religious affiliations. It is fighting for “Zero Hunger by 2030.” Since its inception, it has provided funding of EUR 4.75 billion for more than 11,498 overseas projects in 72 countries. Welthungerhilfe follows the principle of supporting people in realizing their rights and sustainably improving their living conditions, which it implements with measures ranging from rapid disaster relief to rehabilitation to long-term development cooperation projects with national and international partner organizations.


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