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Evin, 23, erntet mit ihrem kleinen Sohn selbst angebaute Tomaten im Irak
Welthungerhilfe Releases Annual Report for 2023

Planned budget cuts by governing coalition send wrong message, put progress toward ending hunger at risk

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Thank you for your support 2023
Thank you for your support 2023

In view of the ongoing global challenges, our special thanks go to our supporters.

Frauen und Männer sitzen während eines Workshops auf dem Boden und hören zu.
Empowering Civil Society Organizations in Ethiopia

A new project aims to enhance the capacity of local and grassroots organizations to participate in governance and policy processes.

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Refugees carry bags of bread in a refugee camp
UNHCR Report: Statement by Mathias Mogge

“We cannot rest in our search for sustainable solutions to the many wars and armed conflicts”, warns Mathias Mogge.

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Participants exchange ideas during a P-FIM (People First Impact Method) exercise in Bindura, Zimbabwe, in November 2023. P-FIM involves communities in the planning of humanitarian assistance.
Community-driven early action protocols in Zimbabwe

Involving communities in the planning of humanitarian assistance in Zimbabwe – learn more about the People First Impact Method (P-FIM).

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Youth and the right to a future in the Amazonas.
Youth and the right to a future in the Amazonas.

Get to know the perspectives and reflections of three indigenous women from the Peruvian and Bolivia…
