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06.06.2024 | Blog

Community-driven early action protocols in Zimbabwe

Involving communities in the planning of humanitarian assistance with the People First Impact Method (P-FIM)

Participants exchange ideas during a P-FIM (People First Impact Method) exercise in Bindura, Zimbabwe, in November 2023. P-FIM involves communities in the planning of humanitarian assistance.
Participants exchange ideas during a P-FIM (People First Impact Method) exercise in Bindura, Zimbabwe, in November 2023. P-FIM involves communities in the planning of humanitarian assistance. © Welthungerhilfe
Julia Burakowski Welthungerhilfe

Placing local people’s perspectives and ideas at the centre of anticipatory action ensures they have ownership of this approach and that the systems built are effective and relevant to local realities. To put this theory into practice, the Mvuramanzi Trust and the Farm Community Trust of Zimbabwe began piloting the People First Impact Method (known as P-FIM). Within the scope of Welthungerhilfe's Anticipatory Humanitarian Action Facility (WAHAFA), Welthungerhilfe Zimbabwe and these partners used P-FIM to develop people-centred, locally led early action protocols (EAPs) by identifying local challenges and exploring people-centred solutions.

What is P-FIM? People First Impact Method

P-FIM stands for People First Impact Method. P-FIM involves communities in the planning of humanitarian assistance.

The P-FIM method enables agencies to listen to communities without agency or programme bias, by asking one simple, open question: what are the most important things that have happened in your lives in recent years? This allows the community to lead the discussion about the most important issues in their lives, the impacts of these, and who or what caused them.

Portrait of Tillscent Kudzai Mashavira, Monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEAL) officer, Mvuramanzi Trust

P-FIM introduces tools for self-reflection and self-awareness. Communities identify what they have and what they do not have to live their lives to the full. They realize what they can achieve by themselves and with additional agency support. Sustainability is achieved through community-led projects based on realizing and appreciating community value.

Tillscent Kudzai Mashavira Monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEAL) officer, Mvuramanzi Trust

Through two-way engagement, the main issues raised are then used to achieve a common understanding and agreed way forward. Community members explain what they are already doing to address these issues and what kind of additional, external support may be needed. Then, both the community and the organizations agree on potential actions, which are rooted in the community’s existing interventions and preferences.

Bloodwell Tichatama Rusike, Programmes Manager, Mvuramanzi Trust, Zimbabwe

The [P-FIM] opened a whole new world for me in terms of how to approach future programming and implementation, in particular the planning aspect and to ensure people’s aspirations are at the centre of whatever interventions we make.

Bloodwell Tichatama Rusike Programmes manager, Mvuramanzi Trust

Piloting P-FIM for early action protocol (EAP) development

In October and November 2023, 18 people participated in a P-FIM exercise to listen to a community in Bindura, Zimbabwe, and identify and attribute impacts. These included participants from government, local NGOs including the Mvuramanzi Trust, the Farm Community Trust and Nutrition Action Zimbabwe, as well as international NGOs including Welthungerhilfe Zimbabwe and Action Against Hunger Zimbabwe.

Barnabas Muhoma, Programme manager, Farm Community Trust Zimbabwe

People will not tell us anything meaningful unless they trust us… After a goal-free community engagement exercise, one of the participants openly confided to me… ‘This is the first time ever that officials have come to listen to what we say without telling us what they want.’

Barnabas Muhoma Programme manager, Farm Community Trust Zimbabwe

In preparation, the inter-agency teams met with different community groups – women, female youth, men, male youth, people with disabilities, community leaders, community health clubs, and the business community – to get a well-rounded understanding of the community’s dynamics and perspectives. This also increased awareness of why community engagement is important and how it can be implemented successfully by applying the communication skills introduced by P-FIM training. "We are very happy that you came to listen to us, as boys in school," said one young boy during a goal-free discussion. "It is the first time for us to actually meet outsiders without instructions, telling us what to do. You say you came here to listen, listen to us! And listen only! This is not usual [for] us."

Vincent Chiunya, Head of WAHAFA project, Welthungerhilfe Zimbabwe

The group really appreciated the P-FIM method: the listening part of it, the way we talk to them. We told them, we did not come here to promise you anything, we want to hear how the situation really is – and we want to hear it from you. In the beginning… they were saying: 'We are coming from the garden, we are very hungry!'. In the end, one of them was even saying: 'Are we already done?’

Vincent Chiunya Head of WAHAFA project, Welthungerhilfe Zimbabwe

Using the results of the P-FIM exercise to develop an EAP

The findings of the P-FIM exercise were extensive, providing insights that will be valuable outside of the anticipatory action programme. These will be further examined for their relevance, feasibility and actionability in terms of developing an EAP development, which will also be done through a two-way exchange with the community.

Initial findings from the P-FIM exercise

Hazard prioritization

Anticipatory actions

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