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Afrika Sierra Leone WAPFor Projekt der Deutschen Welthungerhilfe


Results of
World Water Week 2024: WHH Sessions

Join Welthungerhilfe colleagues from across Germany, India and Zimbabwe at our two sessions at World Water Week.

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Welthungerhilfe Releases Annual Report for 2023

Planned budget cuts by governing coalition send wrong message, put progress toward ending hunger at risk

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Empowering Civil Society Organizations in Ethiopia

A new project aims to enhance the capacity of local and grassroots organizations to participate in governance and policy processes.

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UNHCR Report: Statement by Mathias Mogge

“We cannot rest in our search for sustainable solutions to the many wars and armed conflicts”, warns Mathias Mogge.

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Community-driven early action protocols in Zimbabwe

Involving communities in the planning of humanitarian assistance in Zimbabwe – learn more about the People First Impact Method (P-FIM).

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Breaking Silos for Resilient Communities

Water, Food Security and Health in the climate crisis – join our event to foster collaboration and break silos for a more resilient future.

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UN Climate Negotiations: More Money Needed to Offset Climate Damage

In view of dramatic increases in extreme weather events, more money is needed for climate damage, Welthungerhilfe demands

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Inaction will have devastating consequences for Syrian people, warn aid agencies

Over 100 national and international NGOs, including Welthungerhilfe, call on the Ministerial Segment of the Brussels 8 Conference to act

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Sudan: Witness to the Forgotten War

War has been raging in Sudan for over a year. Millions are on the run – including one of our employees* and his family. A personal report from Darfur.

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Sierra Leone: Better equipped for the future

Solutions to the problems of financial constraints, low-yield agriculture and malnutrition in northern Sierra Leone.

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A Bridge Against Hunger

In Liberia, Welthungerhilfe is working together with the population to improve their living conditions.

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DRC: Escalation of violence leads to hunger and displacement

Nine organisations are calling for swift action to alleviate the plight of millions of people in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

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