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Global Hunger Index 2024
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2024 Review: Hope in times of crisis
In two cities in Türkiye, women cook daily for thousands of survivors who fled there after the earthquakes.
Ejane Aba Fita is one farmer benefiting from greater honey harvests due to modern beehives in Ethiopia's Jimma zone.
Life in Malawi's largest refugee camp is difficult – especially for children with disabilities. In the care center, they are supported.
Through the use of solar energy, returnees in northern Iraq now have a sustainable livelihood for a new beginning.
532,000 people from Syria live in Istanbul. One of them is Fatima. After a long journey, she has been working in a café for eight months.
In Kenya, women and young people are learning how to better market their dairy products – and thus secure food for their families.
Despite fertile soils, food security for the people of the Ayeyarwady region is not assured due to the lack of good seeds.
Environmental protection and vocational training - a Welthungerhilfe project in Burundi protects the environment and creates prospects.
In the Amhara region of Ethiopia, many children are chronically malnourished. Alemie has learned how to prevent her children from this.
Through the AgriShare app, farmers can connect with each other to share resources and services.
A waste disposal system improves the hygiene situation of the people in one of the largest refugee camps in the world.
"Mama Chips" attended training on how to start a business – today she is the owner of two successful enterprises.