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Step 09: Final Report

Evaluation Mananagement Manual: Download (Standard) Working Tools in English

Katharina Kreutz MEAL Team

The final evaluation report must be approved by the evaluation commissioner and the primary evaluation user. The report includes the purpose, scope and intended users of an evaluation as well as a brief overview of the intervention being evaluated. After a section on the discussion of the chosen evaluation design and methodology, the report presents plausible findings, conclusions and recommendations. A comprehensive feedback process is necessary for final approval.

DOWNLOADS: Step 09 – Final Report

Step 09: Template Outline Project Evaluation Report

This template guarantees a well-structured, clear and concise final evaluation report. 

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Step 09: Template: Standard project assessment according to OECD/DAC criteria

This separate grading template of the OECD/DAC criteria is an additional deliverable to be fulfilled by the evaluator. 

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Step 09: Checklist: “Evaluation reporting quality”

A checklist to assess the quality of the evaluation report. 

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Step Overview: Evaluation Management Manual