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Material and Publications

The Food Security Standard: Upscaling the Right to Food through Certification

What happens if the Right to Food is violated in the very first step of the supply chain – where agricultural products like coffee, rubber or palm oil are grown?


With this certification, the private sector can assess the local food security situation and showcase their commitment to human rights.

Challenges on the ground - and the leverage of the private sector

Food security can begin with something as simple as washing hands. “We have a sink where we wash our hands before eating,” says Arnoldo Jose Gamez Lara, an employee at the palm oil producer Gremca in Colombia. “All the workers gather here, and we have a water dispenser, which is supplied with drinking water provided by the company.” Gremca, certified under the ISCC* and FSS add-on, has implemented several good practices such as providing adequate hygiene conditions for their workers. After the FSS-audit additional areas for improvement were identified, and aspects related to improving food security were strengthened.

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