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Give us 60! 60 minutes of running for the 60th anniversary of Welthungerhilfe – this is your challenge this year and your opportunity to help people in severe humanitarian crises. This time, your donations will benefit people in Ukraine and South Sudan: two crises that currently differ in their presence in the media, but not in the seriousness of the consequences for the people. The terrible war in Ukraine is shaking us up and reminding us of the suffering that armed conflicts bring. Welthungerhilfe provides immediate assistance in emergencies and also remains at the side of the victims in the long term, as for example in South Sudan. There, as everywhere, the aftermath of war is relentless and protracted. Children in particular are repeatedly the victims of cruel conflicts.

From the 12th to the 15th of May, we call on our supporters to go for a run – anywhere you want, you choose how fast, whether alone or in company. The goal of the 4th virtual #ZeroHungerRun Challenge is to run as far as possible in at least 60 minutes. You can divide the time over four days. You can run a maximum of 60 minutes on each day of the challenge.

5 steps to the #ZeroHungerRun Anniversary Challenge 2022

  1. Where, when, which route?
    The virtual starting signal will be given on May 12th at 6pm. Until Sunday 15th May 11:59pm you have time to run at least 60 minutes. You can split the 60 minutes over four days and upload the completed distance every day. Of course, you can run more too – the maximum time is one hour per day. If you run on several days, your running meters within the four days will be added automatically. The goal is to run as many meters as possible – alone or in a team. 
  2. Register and donate – get a link
    Your participation is free of charge, but with a donation of your choice you directly help children in South Sudan and refugees from Ukraine. After your registration you will receive a confirmation email and your personal link to upload your route data.  
  3. Run, track and upload your photo
    At your chosen time, turn on your GPS watch or start your running app to measure your performance in meters run within a maximum time of 60 minutes. After your run(s), we would love for you to become a #ZeroHungerRun ambassador by uploading your photo to Instagram using #ZeroHungerRun and tagging us @welthungerhilfe. Alternatively, you can also send us your picture by email. 
  4. Upload
    After the run, you enter your running meters manually via your personal input link. For people with disabilities: When entering the distance, you will find a choice of different categories. Please also upload a photo/screenshot of your route as a photo file. You will receive your personal entry link in the confirmation email. 
  5. It stays exciting
    Whether you start by yourself or in a team – you can be a champion. There will be a final ranking by completed meters within the team rankings as well as an overall ranking and rankings by age groups. Interim results will be available at any time from May 12th. The final results and certificates will be available for printing from May 16th. Everyone who uploads a photo of themselves on Instagram using #ZeroHungerRun or #ZHR and @Welthungerhilfe will be included in our "Wall of Fame" on the #ZHR website. 

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Your Run For Children In South Sudan And For The People From Ukraine 

South Sudan has the most difficult living conditions for children. Years of civil war, displacement and a problematic peace process with violence bring unimaginable problems for them: hunger, malnutrition and lack of medical care cause children to die of diseases that are harmless elsewhere. For many, childhood ends from one day to the next when they are kidnapped as child soldiers or when young girls experience sexual exploitation. Impoverished parents are dependent on their children's help and cannot afford to send them to school. The school enrollment rate is currently below 40%.

This needs to change – with your help! Because there is a very simple as well as effective solution to enable more children to attend school regularly: A healthy and nutritious school meal.

Already, around 66,000 girls and boys in 138 schools are taking part in the program run by Welthungerhilfe and the World Food Program. Let's sustain and improve this great impact with the #ZeroHungerRun! Because: Education is the key for the future of these children and for the entire country.

Some schools do not yet have a garden. In many schools, home-grown vegetables already provide the vitamins for the nutritious lunch. With your #ZHR donations, we will build new gardens and offer professional gardening training  to the parent committees. We will also fund interested mothers to plant small family gardens and offer them training for this purpose, so that the children can also have healthy meals during the vacations. More information about the situation in South Sudan and why parents often cannot send their children to school can be found here.  

A part of the #ZeroHungerRun donations will benefit people from Ukraine. Information about our emergency aid in Ukraine and the region can be found here.

And This Is What Our Celebrity Ambassadors Say

ZeroHungerRun Botschafter*innen

Die #ZeroHungerRun Challenge 2022 wird von prominenten Läufer*innen unterstützt. Schaut mal, wer alles dabei ist.

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Page in German. 

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