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Krieg in der Ukraine: Ein zerstörtes Dorf in der Nähe von Kiew.

Millions Fleeing From War In Ukraine

War Knows Only Losers

Fight for life and suffering due to the war in Ukraine

Since February 2022, Russia has been waging full-scale war against Ukraine, bringing immeasurable suffering to the people. The United Nations estimates that more than 40,000 civilians have been killed since the start of the war. Almost 7 million people, primarily women and children, have fled the country, almost all of them to other European countries. About 3.6 million more are internally displaced within Ukraine.

In the meantime, some Ukrainians have returned to their homes and are trying to rebuild their lives under difficult conditions. Reconstruction has begun in some areas that are no longer part of the combat zone. Around 12.7 million people are dependent on humanitarian aid and reconstruction support.

Kalte Wintertage in der Ukraine. Hier: Ternopil.

The threat of a harsh winter

In winter, Ukraine can experience temperatures as low as minus 15 degrees Celsius. People are particularly suffering from outages in the supply of electricity, water and heat. Russia is attempting to destroy civilian targets such as power grids and power and water plants through air strikes.

If there is heavy snowfall, it will be difficult for humanitarian organizations to reach people with supplies. However, cash grants to severely affected families can help them prepare for the winter season with supplies such as fuel, firewood or warm clothing.

Cash assistance for displaced families in Ukraine

Millions of people in Ukraine have been internally displaced within their own country – including Lesia* and her three children. They had to leave their home due to continuous shelling and found refuge in a village 70 kilometers away. Thanks to cash assistance, they can cover their daily needs; their purchases are concurrently supporting the weakened local economy. This support is provided by the Joint Emergency Response in Ukraine (JERU), a partnership of Alliance 2015 members - Welthungerhilfe and Concern Worldwide.

*(name changed)

Lesia, 33, mit ihren drei Kindern. Ihr Heimatdorf befindet sich nur einen Kilometer entfernt von der ukrainisch-russischen Grenze.

How we support people in the war-affected regions

We can provide sustainable assistance through a broad network of national partners and international aid organizations.

WHH and Concern Worldwide act as a single entity in Ukraine, while working closely with other  organizations.

We ensure that your donation arrives most quickly where it is urgently needed.

Our activities in Ukraine

Please support people in need – in Ukraine and all over the world!

WHH allocates your donation with great responsibility where it is most urgently needed. The project presented here is an example for our global fight against hunger and poverty.

How is WHH helping in Ukraine?

We work together with our Alliance2015 partner Concern Worldwide. Among other things, we provide IDPs and people living in areas close to the front line with cash for daily needs. Traumatized children and adults receive support from mobile psychosocial services. We also help with reconstruction through grants to businesses and entrepreneurs that revitalize local economies. In addition to emergency relief measures, we identify what anti-crisis support the region needs in the medium and long term. More information about Ukraine.

Where do donations go?

WHH allocates your donation with great responsibility where it is most urgently needed. The project presented here is an example for our global fight against hunger and poverty.

Can I donate goods through WHH to people in Ukraine or to refugees?

WHH cannot accept donations of goods. We collect monetary donations, which we use together with our Alliance2015 partners to support the people in need in Ukraine as well as refugees. However, we very much appreciate your offers and kindly ask you to donate your goods to local organizations that specialize in this field.
