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Food and nutrition security during the civil war in South Sudan

South Sudan

20 current projects
54.0 m. € funding in 2023
810,000 people reached in 2023

South Sudan is one of the youngest countries in the world. In 2011, it declared independence from Sudan to the north. From the beginning, various ethnic groups have been vying for power. Civil war broke out at the end of 2013, which over the years claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. Of the 11 million South Sudanese citizens, several million have fled to neighboring countries or to other parts of South Sudan. The war formally ended in 2020 after negotiations, but peace has been fragile. In the wake of conflict and several droughts and floods, a large part of the population does not have enough to eat and depends on humanitarian assistance. Welthungerhilfe has been active in South Sudan since 2013.

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Selected projects

Emergency Aid

Suffering, displacement and hunger have been constants in South Sudan for years. Welthungerhilfe is supporting with Emergency Aid.

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News from South Sudan

Publications about South Sudan

Cover page Annual Report South Sudan Welthungerhilfe 2022
South Sudan: Annual Report 2022

An overview of achievements, total revenue, and people supported with early recovery, development, rehabilitation and emergency assistance projects by…

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Cover page Annual Report South Sudan Welthungerhilfe 2021
South Sudan: Annual Report 2021

An overview of achievements, total revenue, and people supported with early recovery, development, rehabilitation and emergency assistance projects by…

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Cover Page Article Village Saving and Loan Associations (VSLA) South Sudan, Welthungerhilfe
South Sudan: Savings groups empower women during crises

As part of a transitional aid project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Welthungerhilfe is…

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