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Position Paper on Rural Development

The Position Paper on Rural Development sums up Welthungerhilfe’s (WHH) programs and political approaches that aim to improve the conditions in which people in poor rural regions of the Global South live. The position paper currently covers 17 aspects. 

Download the sections of the position paper

Title page of the position paper on rural development: Farming in practice
Farming in Practice

In developing countries, increasing and stabilising yields and income through sustainable and resilient agriculture is an important driver of rural…

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Titles page of the Position Paper Rural Development – Rural Economy
Rural Economy

Support for businesses and services – particularly in pre- and post-processing of agricultural products, but also in the non-farm economy – is of…

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Title page of the position paper on rural development – agro-pastoralism
Agro-Pastoralism and Husbandry

Today, animal husbandry still plays a role in most farming systems. Despite its recognised importance for rural economies and livelihoods, it is…

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Titel page of the position paper on rural development: Agricultural trade
Agricultural Trade

In the context of WHO negotiations, global agricultural trade must be regulated in such a way that it promotes development and sustainable food…

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Title page of the position paper on rural development: Social security
Social Security

Health and education are important for full participation in economic, social and cultural life. Social security measures must therefore become an…

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Microfinancial Services

Inclusion of people in the regional economy

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Access to safe water and sanitation – a basic prerequisite for rural development

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The foundation of Human Development

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Cover image of the Position paper rural development - food systems
Food Systems

Promoting equitable, sustainable, and resilient food systems

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Title page of the Position Paper Rural Development: Gender Justice
Gender Justice

Development efforts can only be successful when all actors (men and women) build on the active participation of women.

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Title page of the Position Paper Rural Development – Civil Society
Civil Society

A strong civil society which participates in political processes and is actively involved in shaping development is essential for progress.

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Title page of the Position Paper Rural Development – Land

Land has more than one essential function for rural development. Investments in land and land use policy must be in harmony with the right to food.

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Title page of the Position Paper Rural Development: Biodiversity
Biodiversity and Agro Biodiverstiy

Biodiversity and agro biodiversity are the basis of ecosystem services. The preservation of the diversity of species and varieties must be integral to…

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Title page of the Position Paper Rural Development: Green Genetic Engineering
Green Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering can make a significant contribution to increasing and stabilising agricultural yields. However, a sustainable increase in income…

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Title page of the Position Paper Rural Development: Energy

A reliable energy supply is the basis of both economic and social development

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Title page of the Position Paper Rural Development: Climate Change
Climate Change

Climate change is threatening development chances of the rural poor, although their direct contribution to the causes is very small.

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The first version of the paper was released in 2012. Since 2021, selected sections have been updated and new ones added. Positions are developed based on organization-wide consultations with the consideration of external expert advice. Each section is structured in three parts: an analytical introduction, followed by practical advice on key areas in which WHH is involved with its program and project work, and a list of current demands to national and international decision-makers. The paper does not attempt to provide operational guidance on how to implement promoted approaches in a given context but instead broadly discusses which approaches to promote in various situations.

The paper fulfils three functions:

  1. It is primarily aimed at WHH staff and partners and serves as an internal guide for strategically coherent, systemic, and effective program work in rural development. The paper highlights the aspects of rural development that WHH is particularly involved in.
  2. Looking outwards, the paper is intended to communicate WHH’s work and policy direction to the interested public and possible cooperation partners.
  3. The position paper points out that rural development can only be successful if it takes place within a conducive enabling environment. Therefore, this position paper makes concrete demands on policy makers, on governments of Global North and and equally importantly, on international organizations.


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