Social Security

This publication is a section of the WHH position paper on rural development.
Every society should aim to ensure for all its members a dignified living standard. An important precondition for achieving this is the provision of a safety net to protect people from the greatest social and economic risks. Primary education and basic health care should be available to everyone free of charge. The ratification of economic, social and cultural human rights has given these political targets the status of an inalienable human right.
Health and education are important for full participation in economic, social and cultural life. Social security measures must therefore become an integral part of rural development. Private business and self-help systems play an important role in this regard, but above all, it is the responsibility of governments to take the initiative in their countries and create favourable framework conditions. In states where government structures are fragile or inadequately equipped, the international community should support the provision of social security – preferably involving local civil society – at least intermittently.