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Zimbabwe Projekte 2014, Simbabwe projects 2014


30 current projects
11.2 m. € funding in 2023
1,402,000 people reached in 2023

Recurring droughts, economic instability, and persistent extreme inflation have severely impacted Zimbabwe's previously flourishing commercial agriculture and industry. Unclear property ownership and a corresponding drastic decline in investments in the agricultural sector led to high unemployment and food insecurity, which now affects people's daily lives. Above all, the youth in rural areas no longer see any opportunities in small-scale farming – even though there are success stories in small farms – which could form the backbone of the local economy. Rural flight is also increasingly leading to poverty and a decline in the quality of life for many people in the cities. A lack of income opportunities, high food prices and inadequate healthcare infrastructure are responsible for the fact that almost a third of children under the age of five suffer from chronic malnutrition.

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New Beginnings with Sustainable Agriculture

In Zimbabwe Welthungerhilfe is educating people on modern cultivation methods.

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News from Zimbabwe

Publications about Zimbabwe


This flyer describes AgriShare, an app helping farmers to produce and earn more, developed by Welthungerhilfe.

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2012 evaluation zwe1058 zimbabwe en
Final Evaluation: Zimbabwe (2011)

ZWE-1032: The cholera epidemic was the death of many people in Zimbabwe. Welthungerhilfe wants to save lifes with access to clean water and sufficient…

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2011 evaluation zwe1032 zimbabwe en
Final Evaluation: Zimbabwe (2011)

ZWE-1032: Welthungerhilfe makes not only efforts to help in need, but to support sustainable development and self-help.

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