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19 current projects
15.2 m. € funding in 2023
876,000 people reached in 2023

Pakistan is one of the world's countries most affected by climate change. Extreme rainfall and earthquakes – the country is repeatedly hit by severe natural disasters. Especially the smallholders suffer from the regular earthquakes, flooding and landslides. Their houses are swept away by nature’s force, and fields and irrigation systems are destroyed. The crops in the fields are ruined, and fields cannot be prepared for planting. Welthungerhilfe is implementing both acute emergency aid and long-term development projects in Pakistan. Disaster preparedness measures also help people to be better equipped for future emergencies, such as heavy monsoon rains.

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Selected projects

Emergency Relief After Floods In Pakistan

Several million people have been affected by the impact of heavy rain and flooding.

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Diversifying to Become Independent

Since Welthungerhilfe has been active in Tharparkar in Pakistan, more and more families are successful in agriculture and earn more money.

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News from Pakistan

Publications about Pakistan

Teaser image for best of Magazine 2022
Magazine 2022

The Welthungerhilfe Magazine 2022 in English with selected articles from the four German language issues of the past year.

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Final Evaluation Report 2019: Pakistan (PAK-1069)

External Post Project Evaluation for Local Authorities and Civil Society Organisations in Development of Flood Affected Population in Muzaffargarh and…

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Final Evaluation Report 2019: Pakistan (PAK-1086)

External Post Project Evaluation on behalf of DWHH in three main sectors: 1) Humanitarian Aid, 2) Food and Nutrition Security and 3) Capacity…

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