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Magazine 2022

Cover Story: Nutrition Smart CommUNITY: Where No Child Goes to Bed Hungry
Globally, up to 828 million people do not have enough to eat, and over two billion suffer from malnutrition. A Welthungerhilfe pilot program supports particularly affected village communities to counteract the complex causes of hunger with equally complex solutions. In Nutrition Smart CommUNITYs, people, local organizations, and authorities are networking to jointly advance developments in agriculture, health, and nutrition. After establishing 670 model villages in India, Bangladesh and Nepal, Welthungerhilfe is now exporting the concept to other regions.
Other topics:
- Kenya: No Longer in the Red
- Interview: “Across the World, more People Will Suffer from Hunger“
- Somaliland: How the War in Ukraine Affects Somaliland‘s Camel Herders
- Ukraine: “He Is My Hero“
- Pakistan: A Flood of Destruction and Suffering
- Syria/Türkiye: Understanding Each Other and Sticking Together
- Liberia: Making their Savings Count