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Woman with a basket at the rice harvest


18 current projects
5.2 m. € funding in 2023
379,000 people reached in 2023

Madagascar is almost as large as Germany and Poland put together. The tropical island nation is home to a population of around 30.3 million. Three quarters of the population live in poverty according to the World Bank's Madagascar Poverty Assessment report. Around 40 per cent of the people is undernourished. In the 2024 Global Hunger Index (GHI), Madagascar has one of the highest GHI scores, which, at 36.3, is considered alarming. The country’s food insecurity is driven by consecutive years of drought brought on by global climate change, which is pushing areas in the south of the country to the brink of famine. Madagascar’s economy, which shrank significantly after a five-year-long political crisis, depends primarily on agriculture (vanilla export) and, to a lesser extent, on tourism. As a result, the livelihood of most Malagasy is severely threatened by the effects of climate change.

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Selected projects

Fighting Hunger

Madagascar has one of the world’s highest rates of chronic undernutrition.

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Prominent Support for Welthungerhilfe

Barren landscapes, parched riverbeds, red dirt: This is the southwest of Madagascar. Michaela May travelled here to visit Tuléar.

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News from Madagascar

Publications about Madagascar

Best of Magazine 2021

The "Best of"-magazine 2021 with selected articles from the four issues of the past year.

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Procédures Óperationelles Standard: FBF à Madagascar

Ce document détaille le processus de déblocage, de mise à disposition et de déboursement des fonds par les membres du Start Network à Madagascar, en…

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Forecast-based Financing: Standard Operating Procedures in Madagascar

This document outlines the process of how funding will be released, accessed and disbursed to Start Network members in Madagascar, in the event of a…

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