WHH in Niger
Our Profile
Welthungerhilfe (WHH) has been active in Niger since 2005. Activities were initially managed from the regional office in Bamako, Mali. The project office in Niger was opened in 2012. Since September 2018, WHH has a Country Office in Niamey, the capital, which coordinates all country Niger activities in the intervention regions: Tillabery, Tahoua and Diffa.
WHH Niger works in the humanitarian field using an integrated Nexus-Emergency-Development-Peace approach. This is necessary to provide comprehensive support to the target communities, considering all aspects and avoiding relapses. WHH Niger's vision is for the population of Niger to live in an environment that is fair, peaceful and WHH supports the population to contribute to the development of the society and the country, free from hunger and poverty.
Hydro-agricultural developments in Diffa (Video in French)
What we do in Niger:
Faced with climate change coupled with conflicts in the neighboring states of Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria and Chad, resulting in large movements of refugees from these countries to Niger, WHH Niger stands alongside its vulnerable populations to strengthen their food security and nutrition, to improve their access to water sanitation and hygiene (WASH), as well as to increase their income. Linking emergency, humanitarian aid, rehabilitation and development projects, WHH Niger uses an integrated multi-sectorial approach that links local knowledge with applied research and innovation in a participatory and inclusive approach to all stakeholders in the projects it implements.
Our mission is dedicated to the struggle for a world without hunger by tackling its causes. Politically and religiously independent, we are one of the Germany’s largest private aid organizations. Our actions follow the principle of "empowering people to help themselves " and are aligned with the United Nations' sustainable development goal of "Zero Hunger by 2030". Working closely with local partners, we enable communities to break out of cycles of hunger and poverty, with measurable impact, integrity and accountability.
Publications about Niger
Our Approach:
Hunger is one of the biggest problems in the world. But it can be solved. WHH envisions a world in which everyone can lead a self-determined life with dignity and justice, free from hunger and poverty.
WHH’s strategic goal is ‘Zero Hunger wherever we work by 2030’, based on the 2nd UN Sustainable Development Goal. By working closely with local partners, we want to end hunger in Niger. Our activities aim to improve the prospects of present and future generations, helping them sustain a healthy environment and a fair society.
Approaches to end hunger in Niger
We fight against global hunger and for sustainable food security by promoting site-specific agriculture, access to clean water and environmentally friendly energy supplies while improving health, education and economic development.
WHH’s approach relies not just on specific project activities and political advocacy work, but also measurable results and accountability to partners, donors and people in project areas.
The end of hunger is within reach for the first time in history. Like many others involved in development cooperation, we hope that one day our work will no longer be necessary. Help us to achieve this vision and get involved in the fight for a world without hunger.
Jobs in Niger an ongoing public tenders
WHH’s country office for Niger is located in Niamey. Are you looking for a job that is exciting and has clear goals? Welcome to WHH!
Additionally, you can find all current WHH tenders on our eTender portal.
Where to Find Us
Welthungerhilfe Niger
Sis au Quartier Koira Kano
294 Rue KK 96 Commune Urbaine Niamey-1
BP 12224, Niamey-Niger
Tél: +227 207 444 81