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Kinder in einer Schule halten ihre selbstgemalten Bilder hoch


17 current projects
3.3 m. € funding in 2023
411,000 people reached in 2023

Overall, Nepal has made progress in poverty reduction, but there is great inequality between different regions and population groups. Due to low usage of improved farming techniques, Nepal’s agricultural productivity is among the lowest in South Asia. Whilst the nutrition situation has generally improved, malnutrition remains a serious obstacle to the growth and development of children. Many die from diarrheal diseases caused by dirty water and poor sanitation every year. The situation is further deteriorated by the damages due to the strong earthquakes in 2015, the floods in 2017 and the coronavirus pandemic.

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Selected projects

Empowerment for marginalised people

Extreme weather and the traditional caste system cause poverty in Nepal. Welthungerhilfe educates people about their rights.

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Clean Water and New Toilets

Sixty percent of people in Nepal do not have clean drinking water - we help with the construction of water tanks and hygiene trainings.

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News from Nepal

Publications about Nepal

Magazine 2024

The Welthungerhilfe Magazine 2024 in English with selected articles from the four German language issues of the past year.

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Nepal: The Bridge Builders

In Nepal’s decentralized political system rights holders negotiate the implementation of the Right to Food with duty bearers at the district level.

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Nepal: Country-Wide Analysis Of Pre-Positioned Relief Items - Executive Summary

This report presents the findings of our analysis of the current pre-positioned relief items in Nepal.

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