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Material and Publications

Nepal: The Bridge Builders

In Nepal’s decentralized political system rights holders negotiate the implementation of the Right to Food with duty bearers at the district level.


Wanted – a round table for everyone

The Right to Food is an unstoppable idea: once conceived, it finds its way everywhere – even into the central and mid-west mountainous regions of Nepal. “The constitution guarantees us food sovereignty,” says Rita Gurung, “but the written words have to be put into practice”. The 37-year-old agricultural economist is team leader at “Initiatives for Biodiversity Research and Development” (LI-BIRD), an organization that promotes local initiatives for the sustainable management of renewable natural resources for food and nutrition security. Its goal is to sensitize and empower all stakeholders - citizens in their communities, local authorities and civil society groups - to advance Nepal’s food policy by leveraging the collective strengths of all these actors.

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Civil Society & Empowerment

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