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Gardener in Liberia.


13 current projects
5.9 m. € funding in 2023
124,000 people reached in 2023

A 14-year-long civil war that lasted until 2003 destroyed large swathes of Liberia’s infrastructure and economy. Just as the country began to recover from the effects of the civil war, the next crisis hit: the outbreak of Ebola in March 2014. More than 11,000 people died during the severe epidemic. Today, living conditions remain difficult for the majority of the population: The lack of access to medical care, education and work are particularly noticeable in rural areas. More than half of the people live in poverty.

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Selected projects

Training and saving for independence and empowerment

A joint project promotes the establishment of savings and credit groups for families in rural Liberia.

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How Fishing Families Are Defying Climate Change

Kpalleh is a fisherman on the Atlantic coast of Liberia. For him, rough weather means no fishing, and no fishing means no income.

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News from Liberia

Publications about Liberia

Teaser image for best of Magazine 2022
Magazine 2022

The Welthungerhilfe Magazine 2022 in English with selected articles from the four German language issues of the past year.

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Mid-Term Evaluation Report 2016: Liberia (LBR 1036)

LBR 1036: Reintegration and Recovery Programme IV (RRP IV)

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Final Evaluation Report 2015: Sierra Leone and Liberia

The "Mitigating Dangers of Localized Food Insecurity  in (Sierra Leone and) Liberia" project aimed on enhancing food security and nutrition in and…

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