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14 current projects
5.8 m. € funding in 2023
91,000 people reached in 2023

Thousands of years ago, the land between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris was a blooming cultural hub. In recent decades, however, Iraq has been defined primarily as a land of bloody wars. Until the end of 2017, parts of Iraq were controlled by the so-called Islamic State, which was fighting the Iraqi army and its international allies. Even after the civil war ended, its effects on the civilian population are still felt particularly strongly. A total of around 2.5 million people in Iraq are dependent on humanitarian assistance.

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Selected projects

A Sustainable New Beginning: Solar Energy for Northern Iraq

Through the use of solar energy, returnees in northern Iraq now have a sustainable livelihood for a new beginning.

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Securing Survival

The storm in Mosul has started – up to 1.5 million people can be forced to leave. Refugee camps are overcrowded.

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News from Iraq

Publications about Iraq

Magazine 2023

The Welthungerhilfe Magazine 2023 in English with selected articles from the four German language issues of the past year.

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Cover of the publication "Welthungerhilfe in Iraq".
Welthungerhilfe (WHH) in Iraq

Support for displaced people and returnees: This publication offers an overview of Welthungerhilfe's past and current projects in Iraq. 

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2016 fact sheet fleeing mosul iraq en
Fact Sheet: Fleeing Mosul

In June 2014, the so called Islamic State (ISIS) occupied the city of Mosul in the North of Iraq. On October 17th, 2016, the Iraqi Government launched…

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