In 2022 alone, WHH supported around 18.8 million people in 37 countries with 603 projects.
Welthungerhilfe Presents Annual Report 2022
Hunger rates remain too high, facing immense challenges from war, conflict, price increases, and climate change
Bonn/Berlin, 13 July 2023. Welthungerhilfe notes with concern that the number of people going hungry worldwide remains too high. According to the latest UN report, some 735 million people were chronically undernourished last year; this is 122 million people more than before the coronavirus pandemic began in 2019. Since then, wars, armed conflicts, price rises, and climate change have made global hunger worse.
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“Hunger is one of the world’s biggest solvable problems. Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations have already provided us with a good strategy for permanently ending hunger. What we need now is the political will and unity to implement the necessary measures. These include sufficient funding as well as fundamental reforms for a fair and sustainable food system that does more to include and support people in rural regions. The budget cuts planned by the German government for 2024, with regard to development co-operation and humanitarian aid, set the wrong course in a time of greatest need,” states Marlehn Thieme, the chair of the board of Welthungerhilfe.
People in Germany were very willing to donate last year, taking great interest in global crises. “These private donations encourage us to support even more people in places where the nutrition situation is becoming dramatically worse. Africa is once again at the centre of our efforts. The current situation in Sudan demonstrates the terrible consequences armed conflicts have for people in the broader region, not only within the affected country. Heavy fighting and waves of millions of refugees are presenting major challenges in the day-to-day aspects of humanitarian aid activities. In such crisis situations, it is crucial to form strong alliances in order to reach people quickly and with lasting effect,” underlines Mathias Mogge, the secretary general of Welthungerhilfe.
In 2022, Welthungerhilfe had access to EUR 341.2 million for the fight against hunger and poverty. Donation revenue amounted to EUR 97.6 million. Public donors provided EUR 241.5 million for project work. Of this figure, more than 50 percent came from German federal sources; the largest single donor was the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development at EUR 61.4 million, followed by the Federal Foreign Office at EUR 50.6 million, and the World Food Programme at EUR 48 million. As in the last year, the highest amounts of project funding went to South Sudan, Sudan, and Syria/Türkiye.
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Welthungerhilfe is one of the largest private aid organisations in Germany and enjoys both political and religious independence. With courage and determination, Welthungerhilfe has been working towards a world without hunger since its inception on 14 December 1962, during which time it has provided funding of EUR 4.75 billion for more than 11,498 overseas projects in around 70 countries. Welthungerhilfe follows the principle of empowering people to help themselves to sustainably improve their living conditions: from fast disaster relief to reconstruction and long-term development cooperation projects with national and international partner organizations.