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02.01.2024 | Press Release

WHH Welcomes New Executive Management Member Bettina Iseli

Bettina Iseli Appointed Chief Program Officer of Welthungerhilfe

Bettina Iseli, Chief Program Officer
Bettina Iseli, Chief Program Officer © Welthungerhilfe

Bonn/Berlin, 02 January 2024. Bettina Iseli has filled the newly created position of chief program officer at Welthungerhilfe as of 1 January 2024. Welthungerhilfe created this position to reflect recent years’ intensification in international crises and its own expansion of programme activity. “The past years have shown that our work is an increasingly important factor in saving lives and creating long-term opportunities for a hunger-free life in many parts of the world. We are strengthening our programme division in order to meet these challenges,” states Marlehn Thieme, the chair of the board of Welthungerhilfe.

Bettina Iseli has been responsible for Welthungerhilfe’s international programme activity in the capacity of director since 2019, before which she headed up the department for institutional donors. In her new role, she will guide the strategic development of global programme activity.

“We are intensifying our focus on regions facing hunger and pronounced poverty, often without attracting much international attention. In addition to providing humanitarian assistance, we aim to make things better in the long term. People are always our priority. The people on location have the best idea of what is urgently needed and what can be done to improve the situation with a lasting impact,” underlines Iseli.

The programme department consists of six desks covering different issues and regions and of programme teams in 37 countries. With this appointment, the executive management of Welthungerhilfe has achieved gender parity.

Welthungerhilfe is one of the largest private aid organizations in Germany and has no political or religious affiliations. It is fighting for “Zero Hunger by 2030”. Since its inception, it has provided funding of EUR 4.75 billion for more than 11,498 overseas projects in 72 countries. Welthungerhilfe follows the principle of supporting people in realising their rights and sustainably improving their living conditions, which it implements with measures ranging from rapid disaster relief to rehabilitation to long-term development co-operation projects with national and international partner organizations.

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