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German Federal Foreign Office (AA)

The German Federal Foreign Office (AA) maintains Germany’s relations with other states as well as with multilateral and supranational organisations.

The Federal Foreign Office was founded in 1951 and has offices in Berlin and Bonn, as well as a network of about 230 offices abroad. Its task is to maintain Germany’s relations with other states, and with multilateral and supranational organisations. It also uses its embassies and consulates to influence public opinion in other countries, promoting a positive, contemporary image of Germany.

One of the Federal Foreign Office’s primary tasks is rendering humanitarian assistance. This involves providing aid swiftly to people in emergency situations following natural disasters or armed conflicts. The specialist skills needed to provide food, build emergency accommodation or give medical support make it important for the Federal Foreign Office to cooperate closely with non-governmental organisations like Welthungerhilfe. Non-governmental organisations are particularly valuable partners when undertaking humanitarian assistance projects due to their high degree of specialisation, level of expertise and readiness to work flexibly.

Projects supported by the Federal Foreign Office are chosen on the basis of the policy paper on funding for Federal Government humanitarian aid projects abroad. Visit website.

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