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21.02.2022 | Blog

Anniversary: 60 Years of Welthungerhilfe

For 60 years the organization has been putting its heart and soul into working for a world without hunger.

Inforgraphic: 60 Years of Welthungerhilfe
A big thank you for the support. Together we are now celebrating 60 years of Welthungerhilfe © Welthungerhilfe

Welthungerhilfe’s 60th Anniversary

Welthungerhilfe (WHH) turned 60 in 2021 – for six decades we have been putting our heart, energy and expertise into our vision of a world without hunger.

Every human has the right to lead a self-determined life in dignity and justice. In six decades, millions of people have built a better future free from hunger and poverty through our projects.

In this anniversary year, we look forward with determination and courage to this goal to which we are committed, and we would like to invite everyone to get active.

Together We Have Achieved A Lot

Our anniversary is an opportunity to say thank you. Thank you for your trust and your long-standing support – with your help we have been able to reach millions of people worldwide. We need this solidarity for the future as well.

There Is Still A Lot To Do

How wonderful it would be to celebrate our anniversary in the knowledge that global hunger has been eradicated. But this goal has not yet been achieved: there are 733 million hungry people worldwide. We therefore want to use our anniversary to reflect on what has been achieved and to continue the ongoing dialog. We want to draw even more public attention to global hunger.

Porträt Mathias Mogge, Generalsekretär der Welthungerhilfe.

A life without hunger is a human right. Yet 733 million people go hungry worldwide. Together with our supporters, we have a vision: #ZeroHunger by 2030.

Mathias Mogge Secretary General and Chief Executive Officer of Welthungerhilfe

A World Without Hunger Is Possible

Our goal is to end global hunger by 2030 – to achieve this, we work according to the principle of "empowering people to help themselves". We live in times of change. The COVID-19 pandemic and climate change show us that global challenges can only be solved internationally. New problems need new solutions. WHH is well positioned for this: With creativity, long-standing expertise, international partnerships and innovative instruments, we adapt our strategies and approaches to the challenges.


Welthungerhilfe’s 60th Anniversary: Let’s Work Together to Achieve Even More

For our 60th birthday, in addition to many other successful projects, we wish to remain in dialogue with you and to become active together.

Together we are stronger in our fight for a world without hunger. We would love to have your support in our anniversary year – many exciting events are planned for 2022:


Discover Welthungerhilfe


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