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Four girls are smiling in the camera


20 current projects
11.6 m. € funding in 2023
366,000 people reached in 2023

Mali is three and a half times larger than Germany, approximately 60% of which surface is covered by desert. Most Malians live in the country’s fertile south. In its north, Islamist militias regularly attempt to take control. The living situation has deteriorated since the outbreak of the uprisings and the interference of Islamist groups. The population in the north in particular, but increasingly also the people in the central region, suffer from violence, restrictions on freedom of movement and lack of access to basic services such as food, drinking water, health services or education. Welthungerhilfe has been active in Mali since the 1960s.

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Selected projects

These Schools Come Along

Many boys and girls in Mali are not able to attend village schools due to their families’ nomadic lifestyle. The answer: mobile schools.

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Education for Women, Harvest for Everyone

With new knowledge, better seeds, and microloans, smallholders in Mali now have the chance to change an entire region.

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News from Mali

Publications about Mali

Magazine 2024

The Welthungerhilfe Magazine 2024 in English with selected articles from the four German language issues of the past year.

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Livret des Recettes

Recettes a haute valeur nutritive a partir des produits maraichers au Mali.

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Casi studio dal campo: Indice globale della Fame 2015

Il Indice globale della Fame 2015 analizza anche la relazione tra fame e conflitti armati - fra l'altro in Mali e Sud Sudan. (Ottobre 2015)

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