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How 290,000 People Are Defying Climate Change

Project Status Completed
Main sector
Agriculture & Environment

Residents of the province of Ngozi experience the effects of climate change on a daily basis. Mud slides, floods and droughts destroy valuable crops time and time again. The rain becomes stronger every year, simply washing the soil away.

Rainy and dry seasons are shifting, making it nearly impossible for farmers to calculate sowing time. And in Ngozi, almost everyone is a farmer. The majority of Burundi's eleven million residents are smallholders.

Children crossing an erosion control ditch on their way from the watering hole. © Christina Felschen
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Mélanie Bacanurwanko (centre) with her husband and their daughter. Their field is steeply sloped and rocky; torrential rain has already eroded a lot of good soil. © Christina Felschen/Welthungerhilfe
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Antoine Kanunda, 63, operates a seed bank for Welthungerhilfe. In his fields, he multiplies high-quality seeds from other regions in order to improve quality in Ngozi. © Christina Felschen/Welthungerhilfe
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Population Explosion and a Land Shortage

Even without the effects of climate change, life in Ngozi would be difficult enough. People do not have enough land to feed their families. And yet, the population is growing at a rapid pace. This results in regular famines.

The Welthungerhilfe project in Ngozi provides a sustainable solution for the nutrition security of 290,000 people. Smallholders are given knowledge and resources to make them less vulnerable in the future.

How Welthungerhilfe Supports People in Burundi

The measures have found success: Welthungerhilfe teams and smallholders have already laid a total of 900 km of erosion control ditches. This number is continually rising. People are adapting agricultural processes to the new conditions, allowing food to be stockpiled for the first time. Collaboration in cooperatives and user committees strengthens local communities and families as well.

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