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Material and Publications

Welthungerhilfe's Food System Framework

Achieving zero hunger for all at all times requires transformational changes on the global level as well as on regional and local levels. This involves reconsidering how food is produced, processed, distributed, and prepared; how food supply chains are controlled and regulated; how food is consumed; how all stakeholders, including women and other marginalized groups, participate in the system; and how we consider and balance sustainability trade-offs. Welthungerhilfe believes that a systemic transformation toward sustainable and resilient food systems is both possible and necessary to achieve zero hunger.


WHH's food system framework is an operational guidance for practitioners. This document is intended to orient Welthungerhilfe (WHH) staff and partners to:

The framework will be accompanied by a toolbox of hands-on guidance for use by WHH programs and projects. The framework will further evolve with our operational experience and global trends.

For more information, please contact WHH's Sector Strategy and Knowledge Unit.

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