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Material and Publications

Ukraine Crisis: Rapid Gender and Conflict Analysis (Poltava Oblast)

This report summarises the key findings of ten focus groups and provides recommendations to humanitarian actors.

Title image of the publication "Ukraine Crisis: Rapid Gender and Conflict Analysis (Poltava Oblast)"

To help guide humanitarian programming in Poltava Oblast, the Joint Emergency Response in Ukraine (JERU), a joint program between Welthungerhilfe, Concern Worldwide, and CESVI, in partnership with Light of Hope, conducted ten focus groups in Machukhy and Novi Sanzhary villages to better understand gender and conflict dynamics of the humanitarian crisis in the surrounding districts.

Focus group participants were asked if and how gender and age roles, responsibilities, and relationships had shifted over the course of the war, the coping mechanisms they were applying and the positive and negative consequences of these, sources of connection or division within communities, and how they projected humanitarian needs would change over the upcoming months.

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