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Change bank account

Team Private Donor Service Team Private Donor Service

You can let us know here if your bank details have changed.

Note: As part of the SEPA European banking transactions system we require your signature when changing bank details. Therefore, in the next few days you will receive a pre-coded coupon in the post from us. Please sign it and send it back in the enclosed return envelope.

Bitte überprüfen Sie die rot markierten Felder:
    Enter your new bank details
    Please enter your personal details
    * Fields marked with an (*) are mandatory.

    Privacy Notice

    If you send us an enquiry via this contact form, you are required only to provide the data necessary to change your banking information. All other information is voluntary and serves to personalise our correspondence. Your data are deleted once the matter is concluded.

    Your data are in good hands with us: They are transmitted via encrypted connection (TLS, i.e. Transport Layer Security: strong, state-of-the-art encryption).

    Read our privacy policy

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