Members of WHH
WHH's members are responsible for guidelines and supervision.

The General Assembly decides on the guidelines for the activities of Welthungerhilfe. It is responsible for electing the Board of Directors, passing the annual budget and approving the annual accounts on the basis of the auditors' report.
Members of Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V. include the President of the German Bundestag, the chairpersons of the parliamentary groups in the Bundestag as well as churches, associations and federations. They send delegates to the annual General Assembly.
Members of the Association
(Permanent representative in brackets)
- German Parliament, President Bärbel Bas, Member of Parliament (Dr Silke Albin)
- CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Chairperson Friedrich Merz, MP (Volkmar Klein, MP)
- SPD parliamentary group, Chairperson Dr Rolf Mützenich, MP (Manuel Gava, MP)
- FDP parliamentary group, Chairperson Christian Dürr, MP (Dr Christoph Hoffmann, MP)
- Alliance 90/The Greens parliamentary group, Chairperson Katharina Dröge, MP and Chairperson Britta Haßelmann, MP (Ottmar von Holtz, MP)
- Commissariat of German Bishops/Catholic Office Berlin, Head Prelate Dr Karl Jüsten (Kerstin Düsch)
- Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany, Representative Prelate Anne Gidion (Prelate Anne Gidion)
- German Rural Youth Association (BDL), National Chairpersons Theresa Schmidt and Jan Hägerling (Anne-Kathrin Meister)
- Federation of German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services (BGA), President Dr Dirk Jandura (Sebastian Werren)
- German Trade Union Confederation (DGB), Chairperson Yasmin Fahimi (N.N.)
- Federation of German Industries (BDI), President Peter Leibinger (Vanessa Wannicke)
- German Farmers' Association (DBV), President Joachim Rukwied (Dr Andreas Quiring)
- DGRV – the German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation, President Dr Eckhard Ott (Andreas Kappes)
- Federal Association of Non-statutory Welfare (BAGFW), President Michael Groß (Rudi Frick)
- GRC – German Red Cross, President Gerda Hasselfeldt (Christof Johnen)
- DLG - German Agricultural Society, President Hubertus Paetow (Dr Lothar Hövelmann)
- German Nutrition Society (DGE), Prof Dr Bernhard Watzl (Prof Dr Bernhard Watzl)
- IG BAU – trade union for the construction, agriculture and environment, Chairperson Robert Feiger (Robert Feiger)
- German Federation of Journalists, Chairperson Prof Dr Frank Überall (Katrin Kroemer)
- dlv – German Rural Women's Association, President Petra Bentkämper (Heidrun Diekmann)
- GIZ – The German Society for International Cooperation, Chairperson Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel (Randa Kourieh-Ranarivelo)
- Förderkreis des Deutschen Welthungerhilfe e. V., Simon Hofmann (Kaspar Portz)
- National Federation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH), President Jörg Dittrich (Dr Peter Weiss)
- Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA), President Dr Rainer Dulger (Cornelia Rosenberg)
- German Association of Cities, President Helmut Dedy (Sabine Drees)
- German Newspaper Publishers and Digitalpublishers Association, Chief Executive Officer Sigrun Albert (Sigrun Albert)
- German Insurance Association (GDV), President Dr Norbert Rollinger (Thomas Kräutter)