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Hundreds of thousands of people threatened by famine

Welthungerhilfe expands survival aid for Gaza

As the humanitarian crisis in Gaza rapidly worsens, Welthungerhilfe (WHH), in collaboration with its partners CESVI and Juzoor, is intensifying efforts to provide life-saving assistance to over 50,000 people in some of the most heavily impacted areas of the Gaza Strip. Despite facing significant challenges, the organizations remain committed to delivering critical aid to those in need.

According to the UN, more than 90 percent of Gaza’s population has been displaced. Many people have fled multiple times in search of protection from ongoing fighting. Designated safe zones within the Gaza Strip change frequently and have become overcrowded, with some areas reaching a density of more than 30,000 people per square kilometer. At the same time, accessing those in need is becoming increasingly difficult due to bureaucratic hurdles and security restrictions.

Gemeinsam mit dem Partner Juzoor wurden im Juli 2024 Hilfsgüter, insbesondere Lebensmittelpakete, an besonders betroffene Familien im Norden des Gazastreifens verteilt.

“There is currently no other region in crisis where it is more difficult to provide humanitarian aid,” said WHH Secretary General, Mathias Mogge, underscoring the severity of the situation. "Trucks face weeks-long delays at the border, aid warehouses and distribution points are frequently evacuated due to changing safety orders, and safe access routes are regularly blocked. Humanitarian workers are constantly under threat. Yet, despite these challenges, we remain determined to continue supporting those in need," emphasized Mogge.

A Joint Response to Save Lives

To meet the pressing needs of displaced families, WHH’s aid efforts—carried out through the Alliance2015 Joint Intervention and the support of the German Federal Foreign Office, along with CESVI and local partner Juzoor— focus on distributing essential food supplies, dietary supplements for malnourished children, and hygiene kits to displaced families. These efforts are particularly aimed at supporting the most vulnerable populations—children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and older people—who are at high risk of malnutrition due to poor access to adequate care. The supplies, sourced from Egypt and Jordan, are transported into Gaza via the Rafah and Kerem Shalom border crossings.

In addition to these immediate relief measures, the organizations are implementing a range of critical interventions to further alleviate suffering in the worst-affected areas. These include the support of approximately 9,000 additional households, or at least 45,000 people:

Die Hilfsgüter werden im Gazastreifen zügig von den lokalen Mitarbeiter*innen der Hilfsorganisationen verteilt.

WHH and its partners strictly adhere to the humanitarian principles of neutrality, humanity, impartiality, and independence in their work. WHH condemns the brutal attack by Hamas on October 7, 2023, in the strongest terms and calls for the immediate release of all remaining hostages. At the same time, we call for an immediate and sustained ceasefire, for the protection of the civilian population and humanitarian workers, and for safe and unhindered access to be provided for the necessary aid supplies as quickly as possible.

Please support people in Gaza!

FAQs on emergency action in the Gaza Strip and neighboring regions

How are we helping?

With three international partners and local organizations, Welthungerhilfe (WHH) is providing relief supplies in the Gaza Strip. Together with our long-standing Italian Alliance2015 partner CESVI, we have been delivering food kits to around 12,000 people in the central areas for around three months. The rations are calculated for a family size of six people and are sufficient for one week. Depending on purchasing and delivery options, the meals are purchased and assembled in Egypt or Jordan and transported to the Gaza Strip.

Thanks to the support of the German Federal Foreign Office, we can continue and expand our activities in the region together with our partners. In the coming months up to June 2025, we will be able to support at least 9,000 households, i.e., around 45,000 people. The measures will include providing urgently needed food, clean drinking water, and hygiene and nutritional relief supplies.

In addition to distributing food, Terre des Hommes Italy provides food specifically for children suffering from acute malnutrition, as well as for pregnant or breastfeeding women and sick people. Juzoor runs ten nutrition centers where up to 30,000 people are screened and treated for malnutrition. In these centers, affected families also receive nutritional supplements and medical support. In addition, CESVI ensures that 27,500 people have access to clean drinking water and is improving the sanitary facilities in 23 camps and collective shelters.

How does WHH reach those in need in Gaza?

Our international partners CESVI, Terre des Hommes Italy and our local partner Juzoor have worked in the Gaza Strip for many years and are also locally registered as NGOs. On the one hand, they have many years of experience with the relevant Israeli authorities, who have to approve every aid delivery to the Gaza Strip. On the other hand, they have trustworthy local partner organizations with whom they have successfully implemented many aid projects under difficult conditions.

The relief supplies are distributed to the families as soon as they arrive in the Gaza Strip. The trucks are generally not marked and the packages do not have any logos printed on them. Not attracting attention reduces the risk of looting. All aid shipments are registered with both the Israeli authorities and the relevant United Nations agencies. If necessary, CESVI has a warehouse in the Gaza Strip that is known to the Israeli authorities. Within a few days, the local employees directly distribute to families to avoid large crowds at distribution points. All of this ensures the safety of the people affected and the aid workers.

How does WHH prevent the misuse of aid, for instance by Hamas?

The selected international partner organizations have been working in the Gaza Strip for many years and have many years of experience in distributing relief supplies under challenging conditions. They have developed robust mechanisms to ensure relief supplies reach needy families. These mechanisms include checking and debriefing with recipients and fast communication channels to react immediately to disruptions or problems. Despite the difficult security situation on the ground, CESVI, Juzoor and Terre des Hommes Italy are working closely with local communities to minimize the misuse of aid.

How does WHH ensure that donations are used effectively?

WHH works closely with its international partners CESVI, Juzoor and Terre des Hommes Italy to ensure that relief measures are implemented efficiently and in a targeted manner. A comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system (MEAL) continuously checks the use of funds and the progress of aid projects. We distribute relief supplies based on clearly defined criteria that ensure the neediest families are reached first.

In addition, there is regular reporting to the donors, which contains detailed information on how the funds have been used and what impact they have had. This transparency ensures that the donations bring maximum benefit to the affected population.

Your donation makes a difference

In 2023, we were able to achieve a lot with your help

Why should I support WHH?

A life without hunger is a human right. Nevertheless, millions of people worldwide go hungry. Together with our supporters, we have a goal: #ZeroHunger by 2030 – in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

How does WHH work?

WHH works according to the principle of "helping people to help themselves." We implement aid projects so that people can sustainably provide for themselves in the long term, making our own work redundant in the long run. With our donors, we support entire communities worldwide to advance their infrastructure and development and create a fair basis for all people in a region.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes, the German tax office recognizes donations up to 300 euros without a donation receipt and considers them tax-deductible. A bank statement is sufficient proof.

For donations over 300 euros, the tax office requires an annual donation receipt, which we send automatically at the beginning of the year following the donation. If you require a donation receipt in advance, please let us know

How secure is it to donate online?

Donating via our online donation form is just as secure as online banking. The data is transmitted in fully encrypted form using the SSL procedure.

Will my donation reach its destination?

We use donations as transparently as possible to ensure that the donations we receive can be traced. Read about the donation process and how we use donations in our annual report.

Bank Details

Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V.
Sparkasse KölnBonn
IBAN DE15 3705 0198 0000 0011 15

DZI Spendensiegel

Welthungerhilfe has been holding the DZI seal of approval for donations since 1992. The seal certifies that Welthungerhilfe is handling the funds entrusted to it efficiently and responsibly.

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