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Eine Frau hält ein eine große Platte mit geerntetem Getreide in der Hand

WHH in Ethiopia

32 current projects
11.9 m. € funding in 2023
1,421,000 people reached in 2023
Grüne Bildmarke der Welthungerhilfe
Country Office Ethiopia
All Countries

Our Profile

Welthungerhilfe (WHH), registered as German Agro Action (GAA) in Ethiopia, is one of the largest international non-governmental organizations in Germany; politically and religiously independent. WHH bases its efforts on the principle of empowering people to help themselves, which it implements with measures ranging from rapid disaster relief to rehabilitation to long-term development cooperation projects with national and international partner organizations. Working in Ethiopia for over 50 years, WHH is committed to achieving zero hunger. In close cooperation with national non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society organizations (CSOs), WHH strives to empower people to break out of hunger and poverty

What We Do in Ethiopia

WHH Ethiopia fights against hunger in Ethiopia and works for sustainable food and nutrition security through multi-sectoral, integrated and nutrition-sensitive program delivery to target households while striving towards contributing to an inclusive and stable food system.

WHH has diverse experience supporting communities in strengthening their food security, livelihoods and increasing household income.
WHH has diverse experience supporting communities in strengthening their food security, livelihoods and increasing household income. © Henrik Wiards / Welthungerhilfe

The sectoral focus includes promoting sustainable and resilient agriculture and natural resource management, access to clean water, hygiene and sanitation facilities, promoting good nutrition and gender equality; socio-economic empowerment of marginalized community groups; and civil society empowerment. WHH Ethiopia also engages in humanitarian response interventions to address immediate needs of crisis, while strengthening synergy between humanitarian aid and development work as well as with peace building effort in establishing longer-term resilience. WHH addresses the root causes of malnutrition through advocacy and mainstreaming of gender-responsive action as well as climate change adaptation in its programming. 

News from Ethiopia

WHH Ethiopia Focus Areas:


WHH Ethiopia has a dual mandate to ensure that its programs meet the needs of the target groups: WHH offers programs for both short-term emergency relief and long-term development. To achieve sustainable food and nutrition security for the most vulnerable population groups, WHH combines these programs with the focus of the fight against hunger.  

WHH works with CSOs, the international community and the government of Ethiopia to address humanitarian crises by providing immediate emergency relief to people affected by disasters. 

In line with the humanitarian-development- nexus, WHH links emergency relief with addressing the underlying causes of disasters through linking relief, rehabilitation, and sustainable development. By strengthening humanitarian localization, WHH seeks to empower both its partners and local actors, and to foster equitable partnerships. 

Priorities and Approaches


WASH is an essential component of WHH's work. It addresses the basic needs of the people WHH works with in rural and semi-rural urban contexts, focusing on smallholder farmers, agro-pastoralists, and the most vulnerable groups. As an underlying cause of malnutrition in Ethiopia, WHH integrates nutrition knowledge into WASH programs, focusing on sustainable service delivery systems to maximize the return on investment in WASH infrastructure.

Priorities and Approaches 


Nutrition education is central to WHH's program, which contributes to sustainable food and nutrition security (SFNS) by serving as a link between sectors. Nutrition education focuses on Essential Nutrition Action (ENA) messages for the wider community and is carried out in communities, schools, and health facilities, mainly in collaboration with government health extension workers.  

Priorities and Approaches 


WHH Ethiopia creates business opportunities for marginalized groups, especially women and landless youth, and gives them a voice in discussions between civil society organizations (CSOs) and governments at different levels. WHH Ethiopia thus helps to ensure that the rights of these marginalized groups are upheld.  

WHH has diverse experience supporting communities in strengthening their food security, livelihoods and increasing household income. WHH thereby enables and equips people with the necessary knowledge and skills that can be applied with locally available inputs and technologies, ranging from crop production, establishment of community seed systems and environmentally friendly compost to agricultural business, value addition, agricultural mechanization and promotion of savings groups.  

Priorities and Approaches 


Through capacity development programs for local and grassroots civil society organizations (CSOs), WHH Ethiopia aims to strengthen their role in governance and development. By enabling CSOs to engage in evidence-based policy dialogue and influence national, regional, and local reform processes, WHH supports them in becoming active actors of governance and development, thus contributing to a strong civil society landscape. 

Priorities and Approaches

Why Partner with WHH Ethiopia

Publications about Ethiopia

Magazine 2024

The Welthungerhilfe Magazine 2024 in English with selected articles from the four German language issues of the past year.

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Ethiopia: Call for Expression of Interest for Local and Grassroots CSOs

Open Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Local and Grassroots CSOs, their Associations and CSO Networks in Ethiopia.

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Magazine 2023

The Welthungerhilfe Magazine 2023 in English with selected articles from the four German language issues of the past year.

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Our Approach in Ethiopia

WHH’s actions are guided by the belief in the equality of all people, the inviolability of their rights and their self-determination. People are at the heart of WHH’s strategy. WHH works with the most marginalized and vulnerable groups in Ethiopia, such as smallholder farmer families, agropastoralist and pastoralist communities, urban poor, IDPs, women (of reproductive age, lactating, pregnant women) and girls, children <5 years, persons with disabilities, the elderly (> 60) and chronically sick people. 

WHH is convinced that sustainable impact can only be achieved together with other actors and commits to promoting locally led action along the humanitarian, development, and peace (HDP) nexus.

A panel discussion on the localization of humanitarian action in Ethiopia © Welthungerhilfe Ethiopia

Partnerships with local NGOs and CSOs remain crucial to exchange knowledge and work more efficiently. Committed to the Localization Agenda, WHH supports the development of civil society actors and partner organizations by strengthening their capacity and empowering them in the fight against hunger. By working with partners, WHH encourages dialogue on an equal footing between civil society groups, political decision makers and investors. 

WHH is dedicated to promoting the principles of partnership, localization, and community-led responses in humanitarian action and development cooperation worldwide. WHH works collaboratively with civil society organizations, governments, and international stakeholders to strengthen the capacity of local actors, enhance the effectiveness of humanitarian response, and foster sustainable development in communities affected by crisis and poverty. 

Jobs in Ethiopia and Ongoing Public Tenders

WHH’s country office for Ethiopia is located in Addis Ababa and hosts 41 staff members. Are you looking for a job that is exciting and has clear goals? Welcome to WHH!

Additionally, you can find all current WHH tenders on our eTender portal.

Where to Find Us

Welthungerhilfe Ethiopia
Bole Sub city, Woreda 03, House No. 2084,
P. O. Box 1866
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Tel. 00251-11-6624 765
Fax. 00251-11 6624 731
