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Global Hunger Index 2023
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Humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza
The meta evaluation, conducted in 2022, reports on the quality of evaluations of WHH projects with the overall objective of improving WHH's evaluation…
The list available here provides an overview of the project evaluations commissioned and carried out by Welthungerhilfe in 2022.
The list available here provides an overview of the project evaluations commissioned and carried out by Welthungerhilfe in 2021.
The list available here provides an overview of the project evaluations commissioned and carried out by Welthungerhilfe.
AFG 1176: Creation of Sustainable Livelihoods for Internally Displaced and Returning Afghan Families in Kabul Province is a project being implemented…
AFG 1168: Natural Resource Management and Promotion of Sustainable Agrarian Livelihoods (Northern Afghanistan)
AFG 1177: Strengthening Food Security And Natural Resources Management In Jawzjan Province In Northern Afghanistan.
AFG 1185: Strengthening of Civil Protection/ Disaster Management in the district of Aybak, Samangan Province (Northern Afghanistan).
AFG 1186: Strengthening of the Resilience of Internally Displaced Persons and Returnees in Nangarhar, Afghanistan.
BDI 1029: Amélioration de la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle en province de Ngozi.
COD 1114: Sustainable improvement of food security of the conflict-affected population and stabilization of the Kitchanga Region, North Kivu, D.R.