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Poster Core Humanitarian Standard

The 9 Commitments of the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS) in the Work of Welthungerhilfe and its Partners.

Core Humanitarian Standard

The Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS) sets out nine commitments to ensure that organizations support people and…

Welthungerhilfe Child Protection Policy

This policy has been developed to ensure the maximum protection of children and youth from abuse and exploitation.

Guidelines: Outcome and Impact Orientation Part III

The guiding principle of Welthungerhilfe's outcome and impact-oriented evaluation is to learn from successes and failure. It examines two key…

Guidelines: Outcome and Impact Orientation Part II

Outcome and impact orientation focuses on two key questions. What should be achieved and what is actually achieved? What does this mean in practice?…

Guidelines: Outcome and Impact Orientation Part I

The guiding principle of Welthungerhilfe's outcome and impact-oriented evaluation is to learn from successes and failures, to draw conclusions from…

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