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Material and Publications

WASH Country Profiles

Access to safe water and sanitation is a human right and a prerequisite for fighting hunger and poverty. Welthungerhilfe strives to make a contribution to the realisation of this right, through the promotion of hygiene behaviour change and WASH services.

WASH Country Profiles - cover

Welthungerhilfe has developed a large, coherent and diverse portfolio of WASH activities in many low- and middle-income countries and in both humanitarian and development contexts. Around two thirds (66) of the 98 WASH affiliated projects, that are currently under implementation, are projects integrated into multisectoral approaches that recognize the thematic linkages of WASH to health, nutrition security, gender equality and economic growth. The remaining third of projects (32) are interventions with a focus on WASH, with budget shares of more than 70% contributing to WASH related outcomes.

With an average of 20 new WASH focus projects approved each year, the organisation reaches around two million beneficiaries, primarily located in the rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia. The WASH focus projects are implemented over an average timeframe of more than two years covering the broad spectrum of water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion.

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Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

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