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Communicating Actionable Flood Early Warning Information in Kenya

Having a sound flood forecasting system in place is not enough. Only understandable and actionable early warnings enable communities to take action to mitigate potential impacts of a hazard.


As part of Welthungerhilfe Anticipatory Humanitarian Action Facility (WAHAFA), a multiyear program financed by the German Federal Foreign Office, WHH Kenya, its local partner PACIDA and other stakeholders carried out a flood simulation exercise to test stress their readiness and effectiveness of their Anticipatory Action Plan (AAP) for a future crisis situation.

Part of the exercise was to developed early warning messages for at-risk communities and crafting a communication plan that outlines how and when to disseminate information and who need to be involved to ensure that everyone is informed and is able to act timely on flood-related information.

These early warning messages and communication plans were later presented to various groups of the community. Focus group discussions were held to gather feedback on how to improve the effectiveness and inclusiveness of these messages. In the future, these messages will help communicate flood risk and behavioral advices to at-risk communities.

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