Welthungerhilfe Presents Annual Report 2021
Climate crisis, Covid and conflicts lead to severe setbacks in hunger relief: war against Ukraine exacerbates situation.

Bonn/Berlin, 07/12/2022: Welthungerhilfe warns that the number of hungry people is continuing to rise while at the same time food and transport prices explode. As a result, hunger crises around the world continue to expand. As many as 828 million people are chronically malnourished, according to recent UN reports. Key drivers of hunger include wars and conflicts, as well as the consequences of climate change and the coronavirus pandemic. The war against Ukraine has only made the situation worse.
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"We receive desperate cries for help from all project countries. From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, people are struggling with price increases of up to 60 percent for bread, cereals or fruit. Those who suffer most are those who are already among the poorest and have contributed least to the crises. The situation has become particularly acute in the Horn of Africa, where 17 million people no longer have enough to eat. Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia are experiencing the worst drought in 40 years. The desolate situation of families in Ethiopia is exacerbated by the consequences of the war in Tigray province and conflicts in other regions. Millions of goats and cattle have already died, fields have withered, wells have dried up and water points have been destroyed, ruining the livelihoods of millions of people. The war against Ukraine acts as an accelerant to these crises and exacerbates hunger and poverty," warns Marlehn Thieme, Chair of the Board of Welthungerhilfe.
Highest level of Donations in Welthungerhilfe's 60-Year History
This year, however, Welthungerhilfe is also looking back on sixty years of experience, challenges and successes and, despite all setbacks, is convinced that hunger can be overcome. The willingness to help and solidarity of the German population was also extraordinarily high in 2021. Welthungerhilfe received the highest level of donations in its 60-year history in 2021, and was able to support more than 16 million people. "Private donations are an important incentive and source encouragement for us, because with them we were able to respond to the dramatic food situation and support even more people in need in our project countries, Africa and especially the crisis countries such as South Sudan, Mali and DR Congo which are again the focus of our work. In many countries, people are struggling with the effects of various overlapping crises, and hunger is being used as a targeted weapon. We need to act quickly and decisively – both with short-term survival aid and with long-term investments in agriculture," emphasizes Mathias Mogge, Secretary General of Welthungerhilfe.
In 2021, Welthungerhilfe’s budget stood at 310 million euros. Donations amounted to 77.5 million euros. Public donors provided 229.4 million euros for project work. The German government's share was nearly 50 percent, the largest single donor of which was the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, with 56.7 million euros. South Sudan, Sudan, Syria and Turkey received the highest levels of project funding last year.
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Welthungerhilfe turns 60 this year. It is one of the largest private aid organizations in Germany; politically independent and non-denominational. With courage and determination, it is striving for a world without hunger. Since it was founded on December 14, in 1962, 10,895 overseas projects in about 70 countries have been supported with 4.46 billion euros. Welthungerhilfe works on the principle of empowering people to help themselves: from fast disaster relief to reconstruction and long-term development cooperation projects with national and international partner organisations.