Leave a Legacy
Your legacy for a world without hunger and poverty

How you make your will is a very personal matter. There are many possibilities. One of the most important questions for you is who you want to consider in your will. Some people have no children or relatives and want to give something back to the world. Others, in addition to family and friends, want to consider people in their will who need support to escape hunger and poverty.
That is why you have the opportunity to donate a desired amount to Welthungerhilfe or to use it as your heir and thus support Welthungerhilfe's project work.
Taking responsibility
Every amount counts. For example, if you leave 1% of your legacy to Welthungerhilfe, you will play an important role in securing and strengthening the work of Welthungerhilfe. If you decide to consider Welthungerhilfe in your will or if you simply want to discuss your possibilities with us, we would be pleased to hear from you.
Who you consider in your will is something very personal. For this reason, we have a team specialised in these questions, with whom you can talk about your ideas with confidence. All information you provide will be kept strictly confidential and will not be binding on us.
If you would like an initial overview of your possibilities, our free will guide will help you.

I have no heirs and I had to think of something. A foundation is something that lasts. So I started my own foundation with a reasonable amount of capital, and set up Welthungerhilfe as the heir.
Roland GingoldAre you interested? Arrange a call back.
If you would like to support the work of Welthungerhilfe by will or would like to register for an information event, please contact us.