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Our Vision

A world in which all people can exercise their right to a self-determined life in dignity and justice, free from hunger and poverty.

Frau Reisfeld Kambodscha
Farmer with her harvest in Cambodia on the rice field. © Florian Kopp

Welthungerhilfe (WHH) fights against global hunger and for sustainable food security. This includes promoting sustainable and resilient agricultureaccess to clean water, environmentally friendly energy supplies and improving health and education.

Empowering people to help themselves

WHH's aim is to improve people’s lives sustainably in the long term. We work using the principle of “empowering people to help themselves”. Our actions are guided by the conviction that all people are equal in value, they have inalienable rights, and they should be able to control their own lives.

The people we work with are partners who strive for social change. We treat them with respect, solidarity and empathy. Our actions are intended to improve the prospects of present and future generations, in a healthy environment and a fair society.

Like many of those involved in development cooperation, we hope that one day development cooperation will no longer be necessary and that people will be able to help themselves at a local level. Get involved in the fight against hunger and poverty!

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