We are glad to hear from companies that would like to join us in the fight against hunger and poverty.
The Benefits for You

Thanks to your support we can approach the goal to finally end hunger in our project regions. In return you will gain assurance, that your company is doing good - and other advantages as well.
Personalised solutions
- We can develop tailored collaborations to suit your goals.
- With 630 projects in 36 countries, there are lots of ways for you to get involved.
A strong brand
- Welthungerhilfe has stood for the fight against hunger for over 60 years.
- It is well-known and respected, and has a good reputation.
Professional communication
- Comprehensive, up-to-date media and public relations work
- You can use reports and photos from the projects to support communication about your work for good causes
Personal contact
- When you work with us, you are guaranteed a contact person, short pathways and clear communication.
Attractive to customers and staff
- An extra selling point and a positive image for your brand
- Staff motivation worldwide
- Employer marketing
- Regular information about the progress of projects
- You can see for yourself on-site if you like
- DZI Seal of Approval and various prizes for transparency
Highly effective
- Our activities are externally audited to ensure their effectiveness
- Network for best-practice exchanges
- State support for our work means that every euro in donations means 4 euros for project work.
- Over 60 years of experience
- In 2023, Welthungerhilfe supported 16.4 million people
- Extensive experience of cooperation with companies
- Local staff are the backbone of the organisation
- No political or religious affiliation, and no fixed ideology
- Our members come from a wide range of social groups