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SDGs for Your Company

Smallholder in Haiti
The farmer Bresime Basquet has borrowed one of the two tractors with driver for a fee for ploughing and seed preparation. This simplifies his work enormously. © Daniel Rosenthal/Welthungerhilfe

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set in 2015 are not just relevant for developing and emerging economies, but also for industrialised countries. They represent a step forward, which deals with the global impact of our actions. States, civil society and companies can work together towards specific goals to make the world a better place to live.

However, this means there is an expectation that private enterprise will establish and implement specific measures to carry out the SDGs. Large companies in particular have already incorporated the SDGs into their sustainability strategy and reporting.

We can help you to integrate the SDGs into your CSR strategy.

Understanding SDGs

We have particular expertise in SDG2 – zero hunger – and we can also give you active support on the other SDGs. We will be happy to talk to you in more depth about SDGs.

Setting priorities

Thanks to our in-depth knowledge of the SDGs, we can help you work out which SDGs are most important for your company.

Working out goals

We know which measures have the greatest impact, thanks to our work on the ground. We also have extensive experience in impact measurement, so we can help you define quantitative goals.

Reporting & communication

We can supply images and text for your communication, and we can use our expertise to help you demonstrate impacts.

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