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Joint Projects

Work with Welthungerhilfe to develop business models that are based on shared values and benefit disadvantaged people.

Kakaobauern in Sierra Leone bei der Arbeit: Nachdem die reifen Früchte geerntet wurden, werden sie mit einem Stock aufgebrochen, die Kakaobohnen herausgenommen und gesammelt.
Cocoa farmers in Sierra Leone at work: After the ripe fruits have been harvested, they are broken open with a stick, the cocoa beans are taken out and collected. © Kai Löffelbein

Are you active in developing countries? Do you want to procure products from these countries? Do you have an idea for a business model that can help disadvantaged people? We would be happy to set up a joint project that combines your core business with our work through our shared values.

Best Practices: Coffee Circle Supports Welthungerhilfe Projects in Ethiopia

Since 2014, Coffee Circle has been working with Welthungerhilfe in the places where small-scale farmers grow and harvest coffee beans for the Berlin-based company. In Ethiopia, clean drinking water and sanitation facilities, washing facilities for the coffee, and training for the small-scale farmers are significantly improving people’s living conditions in a good example of a company and Welthungerhilfe working together on the basis of shared values. Founder Martin Elwert: “With sustainable coffee consumption as our focus, we are creating a value chain that benefits everyone involved. Welthungerhilfe is a good match for us because it incorporates and implements our ideas in a passionate, professional, and straightforward manner.”

The company team will be happy to advise you

Patricia Niewels

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Kirsten Schulz

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Ivonne Dörrer

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