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A small trader in front of his store.

Our Offer

There are a lot of ways for you to make a difference. You can support Welthungerhilfe’s projects just this once or far into the future, perhaps by choosing to hold a donation drive at your company Christmas party, add a charity product to your range, or allow employees to donate cents of their salaries.

Whatever your preference, we have a way for every company to help.

Eine Frau hält ein eine große Platte mit geerntetem Getreide in der Hand
Corporate Donations

Make a direct, lasting, and personal impact by donating through your company and supporting people in need.

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Eine Gruppe Jugendlicher in einer Autowerkstatt
Employee Engagement

Whether you are looking for a one-day event, a Christmas initiative, or an athletic competition, we have what you need to make it happen.

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zwei Flaschen Lycka Kaffe stehen auf einem Holztisch. Im Hintergrund ist ein Café zu sehen.
Charity Products

Elevate your image while supporting Welthungerhilfe’s work by marketing your products for a good cause.

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Aktion Restcent Welthungerhilfe
Salary Donations

Little ways to create impact: Your employees can support Welthungerhilfe with part of their salaries.

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Kakaobauern in Sierra Leone bei der Arbeit: Nachdem die reifen Früchte geerntet wurden, werden sie mit einem Stock aufgebrochen, die Kakaobohnen herausgenommen und gesammelt.
Joint Projects

Work with Welthungerhilfe to develop business models that are based on shared values and benefit disadvantaged people.

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Sportlerinnen klatschen ein
Athletic Engagement

Whether you represent an association, a company, or an initiative, you can set up an athletic partnership with Welthungerhilfe.

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Donating Media Services

With your website, newsletter, or employee publication, you can help Welthungerhilfe reach more people through a variety of media.

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We are always happy to have companies join us and to see them apply their expertise and resources in the fight against poverty. Nonetheless, the partnership needs to be “right” if it is to have a long-term impact. Learn more about our principles for co-operation with companies.

Principles of Cooperation with Companies

When it comes to corporate partnerships, Welthungerhilfe follows strict principles.

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